Christianity and Clubbing, Do They Go Together?


Someone asked if Christianity and clubbing go together. What do you think? Is is OK for a Christian to go clubbing, if yes, are there any no go areas and if no why not? Some people associate clubbing with binge drinking, one night stands, violence and public nudity while there are those that feel it just a time to socialise and move the feet.

In my opinion, there isn’t anything wrong going to the club to hang out, socialise and have a good time. Everything needs to be done in moderation. As long as you comport yourself in the right manner with decency you should be fine.

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About Author

Pele began his education in Nigeria before moving to the UK for a masters degree and subsequently a PhD in computer science. The sharp contrast in life and morals in the UK motivated him to start his blog, a website dedicated to sharing candid and virtuous views to enable individuals and families maximize their potentials in life, relationships and finances.

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