In this information age, the first step in establishing ones presence online and subsequently getting heard is designing a website where you can market your product and / or services, share view and post your thoughts and comments. For individuals, businesses an organisations who have little or no knowledge about web design, web hosting and all that is involved, taking this step can be very daunting. The cost of hiring a web designer to design and maintain the site most often is a turn off especially for small business, individuals and non-profit organisations. The terminologies and jargons web designers use don’t make things easier either. Every day, new technologies emerge making it more difficult to keep up with these terms.
In today’s world, the internet is the most cost effective and easily accessible place for demand and supply to meet, hence the need for everyone to have access to this global market place. Lots and lots of people are making fortunes on the internet. You do not have to be a computer guru, to make money. All you need is an idea, a product, services or a combination of these and dedication. Even if you do not have any business idea/product to market, you can market other peoples products and get a commission for doing so – affiliate marketing. Having multiple stream of income is the way to unlimited wealth and I will explain in subsequent posts how you can achieve this.
I have come to know that there has never been an easier way to earn an income than on the web. One can earn passive income even while asleep, by working smart and not working hard. This series is focused on sharing with you what I have learnt and still learning in my journey to my wealthy place, the place of “more than enough”, of unlimited wealth and an early retirement.
The information here is mainly based on knowledge I have acquired from research and my experience in web design and programming. If you have any questions or query feel free to send a feedback or comment through our contact form. In the course of these series, I will try as much as possible to avoid the use of jargons so everyone can understand and fully comprehend.
Featured Sections
- Determine the purpose of the web site
- "Choosing a Domain Name"
- Choosing a suitable web host to host your website. A web host is the location where your files would be stored on the internet. It is like renting a space to store your files so others can access them – "Dynamics of friends and friendships in Marriage"
- Designing the website efficiently
- Optimising your website to attract visitors
- Maintaining the website with up-to-date information
- How to make money from your web site
These and lots more would be covered, so check back from time to time for updates. Everyone, and I mean everyone can make money online. Don’t be left out!