Being a child can be fun, no bills to pay, hurray! You don’t have to think about where the next meal would come from, you only need to know when. Gifts are expected at Christmas, parties and more gifts at birthdays, new cloths for every occasion and perhaps wind parents up every now and again.
I must confess that I was quite a handful for my parents to handle especially my mum, bless her! In the midst of all these, salient lessons were learnt. I would like to share four lessons that have helped me become a better person today
Be Prudent
In primary school we were taught the benefits of having a savings account. The school in collaboration with the Federal Savings bank provided a van where we were able to make our deposits during lunch breaks. It was exciting having a savings book, watching the balance grow week after week was electrifying.
I didn’t mind putting in my lunch money sometimes after all, I’ll can get some of it back at the end of the month to buy the new marvel comic, Spider man! During school holiday, when we didn’t have the vans coming around, I devised my own means of saving, what you probably call a piggy bank today. I normally used empty cream jars and once in a while saved the odd cash received from visitors. All towards my comics! The excitement of saving enough to buy one new comic was second to none. At least I did not have to ask my parents for the money to buy them
This experience gave me a clearer understanding of the need to save for the rainy day, in other words making hay while the sun last. This helped me in boarding school manage my finances and provisions so they last the whole school term without crying home for more. Apart from finances, it had impact in other areas of my life. I understood the need to manage utilities properly. Once in a while we do forget to turn of the light when they’re not in use and sometimes leave the tap dripping. Not for too long though, we were always reminded by our parents to keep the utility bills down.
Nowadays, with the rising cost of energy, you need not be reminded. The utility bills dropping through the letter box would testify of how prudent one has been. It can be difficult maintaining a savings account, especially with the rising cost of living and financial commitments. But nonetheless it is an attitude worth cultivating. The government takes their share of your wages before you even get it through PAYE and if you pay tithes you take 10% of that to your local church. After that, you should pay yourself first by putting away some money in a savings account.
I found out that I usually get tempted to withdraw money from my savings account, so instead I joined a mutual fund scheme and set up direct debits. Though my contribution is little, at least at the end of the day I’m paying myself.
Benefits of a good education
I believe a child’s attitude towards education can be directed by the parent’s attitude towards it. If you are a parent you may want to discuss this in our forum and throw more light into this issue. My parents had to work hard amidst all odds to get a good education and they always told us the importance of it. We had to do our home work properly and promptly before going out to play. Then, we didn’t have computer games, so fun was outdoors on the football field and sometimes on trees.
Our books were always inspected, so we had to take good notes and write properly. At the end of the term our reports had to be spot on. You had to be in the first position and nothing apart from being first was acceptable. That’s kind of hard, but I think I understand the reasons why our parents emphasised that we took the first position. Just as the bible say, we can do all things, and if someone can be first why can’t it be me? To me it was all about achieving the best I can, being the best I can and not giving up in spite of challenges and opposition.
Life is full of challenges and I also came to understand that, so does marriage. You may like to know "7 Essential Dating Tips That Work". I have had to make a few though decisions in my life and this lesson learnt has helped me through them and given me hope to fight the good fight. And if God be with me, who can be against me.
I can remember when I was leaving home to boarding school for the first time, the last words my dad said to me then was …remember the son of who you are … those words stuck in my head, I still remember those words and they arrest me each time I am in a compromising situation, preventing me from bringing a bad reputation to my family. Also being the first boy, I had to be a role model to my siblings and set good examples for them to emulate. Once in a while I do err, at least they know I am not perfect and humans do make mistakes, so we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves.
Proverbs 22:1 – A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.
Blood Genotypes
You may know what blood genotypes are, but how many of you knew what they were at age 11? I did! If you don’t, you may want to look up blood genotypes and sickle-cell anaemia. A medical examination was done on me in preparation for school. My blood genotype contained the sickle-cell gene which implied that there would be a probability of having children with sickle-cell anaemia if I get married to someone has the same genotype or has Sickle Cell Anaemia. My dad made me understand what sickle-cell anaemia was all about and told me to bear this in mind when I intended to get married. At 11, marriage wasn’t on the table. It was a shocking truth to swallow, but it stuck and it was one of the things I considered before getting married. It is worth noting that this is only applicable to people of African descent. These are a few of the lessons I learnt early in life. Full gratitude to my parents for how they brought us up and the things we had to learn.
We owe it to our children to teach them the attitudes, morals and values that would equip them to take on life confidently. There are resources available to parents to help raise godly kids whether you are a single parent or in a happy family. Take advantage of these resources, invest in your children and as with all investments you’ll reap what you’ve sown in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Shalom
Recommended Reading
Maximizing Your Potential: The Keys to Dying Empty
This book is a principle-centered approach to discovering, releasing, and maximizing the God-given potential trapped within you. With practical, integrated, and penetrating concepts, this book takes you beyond doing good to experiencing your best.
Also in his book ‘Principles And Power Of Vision‘, Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality whether you’re a businessperson, homemaker, student, or head of state, .
8 Things No Kid Should Leave Home Without: Empower Your Teens to Live on Their Own and Be Successful
Life’s real test comes after the nest! Because basic flight training should start before kids soar, former school administrator McGee reveals eight simple principles they’ll need to live successfully after they leave home.
From vision, humility, and character to math, time management, and communication skills, he helps you prepare your children to be responsible citizens and godly leaders.
Mama Made the Difference: Life Lessons My Mother Taught Me
A fiery, heart-tugging celebration of motherhood and Jakes’s most personal book yet! Sharing fond memories and life lessons learned from his own mother along with Bible stories, heartfelt advice, and touching testimonials from prominent African-American figures.
Jakes delivers a fitting tribute to the mighty power of a mother’s love.