Marriage is a covenant made in the presence of God before witnesses and legalised by signing of the marriage register. In the eyes of God it is sacred and the Bible likens it to the relationship Christ has with the church. Divorce is not part of God’s perfect plan but an exception due to the hardness of the heart of men.
God has blessed the body of Christ with mighty men and women of God, anointed and appointed to preach His word, they are famous and in the eyes of many, Icons of the Christian Faith. Though the bible teaches us to look up to Jesus, the author an finisher of our faith, we also need men in the rotten here and now to encourage, admonish and inspire us. For a new believer, born again with genuine zeal to know the Lord Jesus, Icons of Faith tend to be the major source of inspiration. I can say for myself that I got rooted in the bible by close mentorship from men that I saw as icon of faith in my days in university. The devil knows his end and would do his best to destroy faithful shepherds that the sheep may scatter and has desecrated the institution of marriage and the importance of having sex within its confines.
Today we have prominent men and women of God, Icons of Faith, in the media filling for divorce in the court of Law. It is sad and can be discouraging if not seen in the light of the bible. I am not here to pass judgment, criticise or take sides but to encourage as many that may feel discouraged and disappointed each time events like this occur. We should not let these circumstances affect our faith but rather strengthen it. We need to pray the more and trust God to let His will be done in their lives and in the body of Christ worldwide. The media can and will distort information to their advantage to defame the church, but Jesus is still Lord. Our sure foundation is the WORD and our hope should be built on nothing less. We should study the word, know what it says concerning our lives and the world in general and above all be prayerful.
Christians worldwide should be weary of what we watch, listen to and who we allow to speak into our lives. The bible is our final authority and we must ensure that whatever we accept lines up with the bible. If it doesn’t, chuck it in the bin! Find a place where you can feed on the truth that can set you free. Mere charisma, oratory or public approval should not be the deciding factor. Politicians have used this scheme to have their way in government and now it is creeping into the church. Not every preacher is true, not every church preaches the truth and definitely not every broadcast on Christian TV is pure. On a final note, the devil is seeking to devour the carefree and faithless believer, so be watchful and vigilant. Stay blessed.
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1 John 4:1&4 – 1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 4Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.